Café Müller – A film of a piece by Pina Bausch
Regiekamera • Directing camera
Peter Schaefer
Kamera, Produktionsleitung, Schnitt • Camera, Executive Producer, Editing
Herbert Rach
Ton • Sound
Armin Behrens
Schnitt • Editing
Delia Dittrich, Manfred Weiden
Berater des Produzenten • Consulting Producer
Jolyon Wimhurst
Produktionsdramaturgie der Aufzeichnung • Production dramaturgy of the recording
Ronald Kay
Produktionsassistenten • Production assistants
Matthias Burkert, Marion Cito
Regie • Directed by
Pina Bausch
Herstellungsleitung • Produced by
Rudolf Rach
Videotechnik • Video Technique
Trend Vilm Video Film GmbH, Köln
Digitales Mastering • Digital Mastering
Wolf Seesemann
Café Müller
Ein Stück von Pina Bausch • A piece by Pina Bausch
Uraufführung • world premiere
20.05.1978, Opernhaus Wuppertal
Aufführungsrechte • Performance Rights
Verlag der Autoren
in Vertretung der • in representation of
Pina Bausch Foundation
Inszenierung und Choreographie • Direction and Choreography
Pina Bausch
Bühne und Kostüme • Set and Costume Design
Rolf Borzik
Musik • Music
Henry Purcell
Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch
August 1985, Opernhaus Wuppertal
mit • with
Malou Airaudo
Pina Bausch
Dominique Mercy
Jan Minarik
Nazareth Panadero
Jean Laurent Sasportes
Technische Leitung • Technical Direction
Dieter Simon
Bühneneinrichtung und Beleuchtung • Technical Setup and Lighting
Robert Windecker
Bühnenton • Stage Sound
Klaus Grimm
Garderobe • Wardrobe
Rosemarie Hess, Siegfried Göttert
Maske • Make-Up
Roswitha Sewing
"The Plaint: O Let Me Weep"
composed by Henry Purcell
The Fairy Queen / Act 3: "Dance For The Fairies"
performed by Boyd Neel Orchestra, Anthony Lewis
Ⓟ 1957 – with kind permission of Decca - a division of Universal Music GmbH
"When I Am Laid In Earth"
composed by Henry Purcell
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626 / Act 3: "Thy Hand, Belinda ... When I Am Laid In Earth"
performed by Janet Baker, St. Anthony Singers, English Chamber Orchestra, Anthony Lewis
Ⓟ 1962 – with kind permission of Decca - a division of Universal Music GmbH
"Next, Winter Comes Slowly"
composed by Henry Purcell
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629 - Ed. Britten, Holst, Pears / Act 1: "Next, Winter Comes Slowly, Pale"
performed by John Shirley-Quirk, English Chamber Orchestra, Benjamin Britten
Ⓟ 1971 – with kind permission of Decca - a division of Universal Music GmbH
"See, Even Night"
composed by Henry Purcell
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629 / Act II: _"See, Even Night"_
performed by Honor Sheppard, Alfred Deller, Deller Consort and Stour Music Chorus and Orchestra
Ⓟ Courtesy of: Harmonia Mundi / [PIAS]
Die Veröffentlichung dieses Films wurde gefördert durch • The release of this film was funded by:
Kunststiftung NRW
Kulturstiftung der Länder
Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal
© Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1985
© L’Arche Editeur, Paris 1987
© Pina Bausch Foundation, Wuppertal 2021
Café Müller - A film of a piece by Pina Bausch
This film shows the piece Café Müller. It is the official film of Pina Bausch. It was recorded in August 1985 at a performance in Wuppertal.
Choreography: Pina Bausch
Set and costume design: Rolf Borzik
Music: Henry Purcell
With: Malou Airaudo, Pina Bausch, Dominique Mercy, Jan Minařík, Nazareth Panadero, Jean Laurent Sasportes