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First part of the two-part piece Adagio - Five Songs by Gustav Mahler by Pina Bausch

As part of the triple bill The Times Are Racing together with Ballets by Hans van Manen, Demis Volpi and Justin Peck

LocationStaatsoper Hamburg, main stage, Hamburg, Germany

9/28/2024, 19:00–20:30

9/29/2024, 18:00–19:30

10/17/2024, 19:30–21:00

10/18/2024, 19:30–21:00

10/23/2024, 19:30–21:00

10/24/2024, 19:30–21:00

10/27/2024, 15:00–16:30

10/27/2024, 19:00–20:30

7/17/2025, 19:30–21:00

EnsembleHamburg Ballet
ProductionA Reconstruction by the Pina Bausch Foundation with the Hamburg Ballet 2024
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